Mobile Apps For Business – The Power Is in the PUSH


Were you thinking about launching a Mobile App for your business? If not now, when?

Now is the time to ride this wave of opportunity.

We all know as Entrepreneurs and Business Owners that to stay competitive in today’s marketplace, you need to position your business to take advantage of emerging trends. Mobile Marketing is NOT in the future; it’s NOW!

Mobile Apps For Business - The Power Is in the PUSH 1

Did you know that statistics show mobile consumers have their phone or mobile devices within 3 feet of them 23 hours a day? Just think about your opportunity before you to have YOUR business on your clients’ or prospects’ mobile devices 23 hours a day / 365 days out of the year. Now that my friends are what I call OPPORTUNITY! I don’t know any other marketing medium with the same power to get your target market’s attention instantly.

What do you think the average response or open rate is today with email marketing? Unless you have a super responsive and active list, you will only see 4% – 9% available rates within the first 24-48 hours of pushing the send button. Mobile push or text messages are seen and opened 97% of the time within the first 4 minutes. Now that is impressive! Just think about your mobile behavior or, heck, look around you.

Consumer expectation is that every “Brand” has an app they can download and access on their mobile device.

We are often asked, “Why should I have a mobile app?” Here are just a few reasons why you should have one:

Builds customer loyalty. Everyone likes to feel included in something special, so make customers feel like VIPs by offering discounts, coupons, and promotions just for using and downloading the app.

Creates a viral buzz. Encourage customers to use the mobile app to quickly tell all of their friends about the business using the built-in sharing capabilities of Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, your blog, SMS, and Email.
Grow customer lists. A mobile app can gather names and email addresses from directly within it and easily export them into the top email marketing campaign services in additional emails.

Get instant feedback. Mobile apps allow customers to leave feedback on fan walls, share photos, and send comments in various ways.
What is an App? An App is an application that must be downloaded and installed on a mobile device rather than rendered within a browser. Users visit device-specific portals such as Apple’s App Store and the Android Google Play Market to find and download apps for a given operating system. An app provides interactive user engagement and works more like a computer program than a website.