The Non-Hostile Overview Of Choosing A PC Or Mac For Your Computing Needs


For most computer users, deciding between a PC and a Mac is not usually a life and death decision, but try telling that to the diehard technology buffs, and you will have just stirred up a hornet’s nest. The PC or Mac debate is one of those tempests in a technological teapot that never ceases to calm down. Some have dubbed it the new Cold War, where getting an unbiased opinion from experts over a simple purchasing decision like a PC or a Mac is often an exercise in futility, leaving you wondering if that old Underwood Five typewriter is still in the attic.

The Non-Hostile Overview Of Choosing A PC Or Mac For Your Computing Needs 1

But do not despair. By the end of this article, you should be able to draw your conclusions about your preferred choice and maybe add to the ever-dividing fanbase of either Gates or Jobs.

Today, the personal computer endearingly called”PC” is commonly associated wwith Microsoft’sWindows operating system. Although common sense says that the Mac is also a personal computer, it has become sacrilegious to refer to it as a”PC.” The Mac uses an operating system known as OS X. Its operating systems are often legendary for their prettier interfaces.

When deciding between these two computer titans, it’s essential to consider your needs before purchasing. This decision would have been relatively easy if we were to turn back the clock to the 90s. The Mac was the design and print industry’s choice for graphic-orientated things. On the other hand, the PC was confined to everyday use in the office and the home. This would have explained the exorbitant pricing discrepancy between both desktops.

Today, this distinction has been blurred. Although the Mac still costs more than the average PC,it’ss finding itself in more homes and offices than at any other time in Mac history. Therefore, dissecting the pros and cons becomes critical before investing cash in these oversized gadgets.

So, let’s break it down and get you moving in the right direction. These comparisons do apply to both desktops and laptops.

Hardware and Performance

The PC

Dollar for dollar, the PC offers more hardware specifications than the Mac, which, for the budget-conscious, requires no further deliberation. Intel-based dual-core CPU allows for a blistering pace on the PC, even for the most general-purpose PC user with a budget of less than $1,000. If you drive a hard bargain, head to Best Buy, and you can get a PC for less than $350.

Various PC desktop sizes are also available, from the small form factor to the entire tower case types. Again, sizes directly relate to the user’s needs, so do not mistake an all-in-one like the Sony VAIO to have the exact power handling and speed of a mid-tower case like Dell.

Even as a power user, whether using the PC for gaming or turning it into a mini home-theater system while running business applications, the PC can still meet all those demands at a very reasonable cost. Bargain basement prices are the main reason PCs dominate the desktop and laptop markets. It is economically driven and caters to all segments of the buying public. Try as you might, you may never get a Mac for anywhere close to $350.

Performance-wise, PCs are still very cost-effective. Upgrading the graphics card, RAM, or hard disk space is much cheaper than buying a new PC. This makes it easy for anyone to customize their PC without worrying about maxing out their credit cards. Another advantage is that businesses running multiple PCs will have a much easier time finding replacement parts or upgrading components because it’s so widely available at a meager cost—the Haze.

Regarding the operating system, Vista is the latest introduction from Microsoft, although Windows XP is currently the more stable version. According to Gartner, XP will be installed on over 77 percent of PCs worldwide by the end of 2007, while Vista might crawl to just about 12 percent. This suggests that ifyou’ree planning to get a PC, buying one with Windows XP installed is still the preferred choice over the latest Vista.

The Mac

If you’re shopping for prestige rather than price, then Apple’s Mac is about as prestigious as it gets. Macs are about status, and status usually comes with a hefty price tag. Unlike the PC, there is no such thing as a truly” stripped-down” Mac. Hence, the PC is a better value dollar for dollar. But on the other hand, the Mac was never genuinely built for the budget-conscious. Instead, it targeted those craving an”appliance” with style and innovative design, and Apple rarely fails to deliver on this. You would only have to visit an Apple store for proof.

As far as performance goes, Macs are up there with the best. At a point in history, PCs were leading the pack regarding how fast they performed. Mac’s G4 processors were never as quick as the PC’s Intel Pentium 4. But Apple changed all that last year when it announced that their Macs will now carry the Intel processor, just like PCs.Apple’s migration to Intel processors has made Intel-based Macs two to three times faster. But,that’ss not all.

Apple has a new Boot Camp technology allows you to run Microsoft’s Windows on Intel-based Macs. This means you can have the best Microsoft and the Mac on one elegant-looking computer. Software compatibility issues will soon be a thing of the past, although power users will still find it challenging to customize and upgrade the Mac’s hardware. The same problem applies to businesses using Macs because Apple maintains a tight grip on its supply chain. Mac’s current OS X operating system is reportedly far superior to Microsoft’s operating systems. Its selling points range from user-friendly interfaces with attractive, intuitive features to a more secure, stable, and virus-free operating system. These factors usually get the more security-conscious shoppers to board the Mac bandwagon.