What Are Your Plans for 2016?


What will you do differently in 2016? “If you keep Fanz Live doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you’ve got”. Do you make New Year’s resolutions, and how long do you keep them? Do your good intentions last beyond Easter?

This year, it could be different; don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to decide what you will change. Could you give it some thought in advance? What do you want? What would make the most significant difference to your life? What is your “one-day” dream?

What Are Your Plans for 2016? 1

I read somewhere that the best way to discover your life purpose or big dream is to imagine you only have six months to live, and then you will know what is most important to you. Well, this certainly wouldn’t be my big dream if it was to tour the world, write a book, or start a business; I probably wouldn’t want to do any of those things if I only would be around for six months!

Am I so ignoring that idea? What would you like to achieve in 2016? For a start, it’s a leap year, so all those ladies hoping their man will pop the question, this is your chance to promote girl power! It’s a funny thing, but I didn’t know what my big dream was, my purpose in life for many years, but when I discovered it, it seemed so obvious, so simple; why didn’t I know before?

So now you have just a few short weeks to think about your new plans before the New Year dawns. Here are some ideas to start you thinking: Plan a memorable holiday, visit a far-off country you have always wanted to see, take up a new sport or hobby, or maybe reduce your weight and eat more healthily. Or take up an exercise routine. Learn to play a musical instrument, paint, or draw. There are so many exciting things you could do in your spare time. Or here is an idea that will bring you more cash in time and fund some of the other things you want to do. Have you ever considered setting up a part-time internet business that could be related to an existing hobby or something completely new you are passionate about? You will then enjoy the time invested in building your business.