Top 10 Computers for the Next 5 Years


Are you interested in the future of computing? The top 10 computers for the next five years will be based on solid-state memory (SSM) and cloud computing. These devices will provide more powerful computing power while being smaller, lighter, and faster than their predecessors. Then, you’ll want to read this post because it includes computer predictions for the next five years. I love reading about the future of technology. For example, I was excited to learn that NASA has a program where they work with private companies to develop technologies that could be used for space exploration.

I was even more excited to learn that the next five years could see the development of “nanobots” that could repair themselves. So, if you’re interested in the future of technology, you’ll want to read this post. This article describes the top 10 computers used in the next five years. In addition to the new operating systems, laptops, and tablets, you can expect a considerable change in form factors. The size of the computers is shrinking, and the amount of weight and power consumption.


What are computers?

Computers are a massive part of our lives, so it’s only natural to wonder what they’ll look like in the future. You might think computers will keep improving, but that isn’t true. There are specific problems we haven’t even figured out yet. I guess some predictions will come true over the next five years.

A brief history of computers

As far back as the 1940s, computers were being used for numerical calculations, and the 1950s saw the introduction of mainframe computers, which were used to manage large amounts of data. In the 1960s, computers began to be used for more general applications such as business and consumer use. The 1980s brought about the birth of personal computing, which we know as the “personal computer.” In the early 1990s, Microsoft introduced Windows 95, which ushered in a new Internet era. From then on, the computer has become an integral part of our lives and will only get bigger. The most interesting thing is that many of the trends we’ve seen happen in the past have already begun. For example, social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, continues to grow. Also, the development of mobile computing is on the rise. And in the next five years, we will see many new technologies, such as 5G networks and smartwatches.

Types of computers

The future of computers has changed dramatically over the last several years. We’ve seen a shift towards mobile devices, and now we’re seeing a shift towards the cloud. Computers will continue to evolve, and what they look like today may be completely different than what we use in the future. I’ve compiled a list of 10 predictions for computers that I think are very likely to happen.

How to buy computers

I’m always interested in how the market will affect the future of computers. For example, I’ve predicted that mobile will overtake desktop usage. I’ve also said a hybrid cloud computing model is the way to go. While I’m not a futurist, I can certainly look at the past and predict the future of computing.

The benefits of using computers

Computers are a part of every business today. They help companies process data, store information, create reports, and automate processes. While the computer industry has made tremendous strides in the past few years, there are still challenges. For example, cybersecurity is a significant issue for many businesses. This is why I wanted to list some of the benefits of using computers.

How do we use computers?

We’re now using computers in ways that would have been unthinkable a decade ago. But as our technology advances, so does our use. For example, most of us use computers to create, read, and edit documents. I can see a future where computers read and respond to all our emails. Lots a future where computers can write a novel based on our emails and social media interactions. In the end, computers will be able to detect our emotions and react to them. This would be similar to how people respond to each other on social media but on a much larger scale. It would be like having a virtual assistant to interpret your emotions and react accordingly.

What are computers used for?

Computers are used for everything from creating art to building bridges. Here are ten different uses for the most popular types of computers.

Desktop computers

Desktop computers are typically the main workhorse of any office. They’re used to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and business applications.


Tablets are the most popular type of computer today, but they’ve been around for quite a while. They’re mainly used for browsing the web, watching videos, and playing games.


Smartphones are incredibly convenient. They’re perfect for reading, emailing, and using the Internet. They’re almost always with you, always ready to help.


Laptops are great for presentations, writing, and working. They’re usually connected to a larger monitor, perfect for writing, editing, and working on large documents.


Servers are used for storing data. Servers are essential for websites and businesses. They’re used to host websites, store files, and provide essentials. The Internet of Things is a concept that describes the ability of everyday objects to communicate with each other. This can include smart speakers, intelligent light bulbs, and other devices.

Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars are quickly becoming a reality. They’re used for everything from delivering pizza to helping with the commute. They’re also used for safety, such as to prevent accidents.


Robots are becoming more and more common. They’re used for everything from cleaning houses to doing chores. Robots can be programmed to do specific tasks.


Virtual reality and augmented reality are two different terms for the same technology. Both are used to create a digital world that overlays a real-world environment.


Cybersecurity is the ability to protect against online attacks. It’s a vital part of daily life and businesses.

Why Do Computers Need New Software?

Like most people, you’ve probably heard that computers will become obsolete. According to this article from Business Insider, that’s precisely what will happen in 2023. However, there are still plenty of reasons to think about the future of computing.

1. More Apps and Gadgets

More apps and gadgets are being created every day. In fact, according to Business Insider, the number of apps available on iOS and Android has grown more than 4x in the last seven years. You’ll be able to do more with your smartphone than ever before. The next five years will bring the most significant change in computer history.

2. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is going to be huge. According to Gartner, there will be over 2.5 billion cloud-based apps by 2020. For example, If you already use cloud-based applications for small business owners, you could use the Salesforce app to track customer orders.

3. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is going to be a big deal. According to a report from TechRepublic, by 2020, over half of all smartphones sold will include VR capabilities. This will significantly impact industries, including gaming, healthcare, and education.

4. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is already changing the way we live. It’s also going to have a massive impact on many other industries. According to a report from Business Insider, AI is set to take off in the next five years, and it’s expected to generate more than $14 trillion by 2030.

5. Internet of Things

Every time you turn around, another tech connects to the Internet. That’s because the Internet of Things is growing at a breakneck pace. By 2020, there are expected to be over 50 billion connected devices. That’s a massive growth spurt compared to the last ten years, which saw only about 2.7 billion.

6. Wearable Devices

Wearable technology is already becoming popular. According to a report from The Verge, wearable devices are projected to grow to $2.7 billion by 2019. That’s a significant increase from the current level of $1.9 billion.

7. Mobile Banking

The mobile wallet is a relatively new concept, but it’s already a part of everyday life for many people. According to a report from CIO, the number of people using mobile banking apps is expected to rise to more than 60% by 2021.

8. 3D Printing

3D printing is becoming an increasingly important part of our lives. For example, it’s helping people repair broken things. According to a report from Gizmodo, 3D printers are expected to sell more than 100 million units by 2019.

9. The Internet of Everything

The Internet of Everything is going to transform everything from healthcare to transportation. According to a report from Gartner, the number of intelligent things connected to the Internet is expected to increase to over 20 billion by 2020.

10. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is also going to have a significant impact on the world. According to a report from Venture Beat, the number of augmented reality apps is expected to grow to more than 700,000 by 2020. While there’s no doubt that computers will become obsolete, you can still use them today. However, it’s essential to realize that these machines are still in a constant state of improvement. This means that they’re always getting faster and more capable. It’s up to you to keep up with them so you don’t become obsolete.

Frequently asked questions about computers.

Q: How did you become interested in computers?

A: My family was always into computers. When my dad got a new computer, he told me that he had just paid $400 for it and it was worth it because it would save him time.

Q: How did you decide to study computer science?

A: I decided to major in computer science because I enjoy programming. I didn’t realize it would be a career at the time, but I have loved programming since childhood.

Q: What advice would you give someone considering a computer science degree?

A: You can make money off of computer science. Just choose what you want to do with it, whether it’s software development, web design, or anything else.

Q: What are some of your favorite applications?

A: My favorite application is Photoshop. It’s an editing program where you can edit pictures and make them look excellent.

Q: Do you use any specialized software?

A: Yes, I use Photoshop and Flash.

Q: If you could be famous, which celebrity would you most like to meet?

A: My idol is David Beckham. He is one of the most stylish people I know and has always impressed me with his style.

Q: What’s the best thing about being famous?

A: The best thing about being famous is being able to go to places worldwide.

Q: What’s the worst thing about being famous?

A: The worst thing about being famous has to deal with fans and photographers.

Myths about computers

1. If you have a computer, it is essential occasionally.

2. Computers get viruses.

3. Computers slow down with age.

4. Computers do not last as long as they used to.

5. Computers are hard to learn.

6. Computers are hard to repair.


Computers have become a significant part of our lives and will continue to play an essential role in our future. Computers have been evolving since the 1940s and several generations have existed. We’re in the fourth generation of personal computers, and the fifth generation is coming fast. As you can see, the tech world is moving fast, and the evolution is only expected to continue. The market will keep growing as long as people are willing to invest their time and money into computers.