Reasons to Wear Sunglasses More Often


Although most people tend to believe that the protection of the eyes is the most important and key to overall health, they choose to wear sunglasses only to avoid the sun’s glare. There are many reasons to make wearing sunglasses a habit, especially during summer, besides the glow. Below are the reasons that would remind me to put on a pair of sunglasses.

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Prevent sun-related health problems.

There are a variety of health issues that might be caused due to extended exposure to the sun. The skin around the eye is susceptible; over 10% of skin cancers are found in this area. The sun’s UV rays also cause cataracts (clouding of the lens) and glaucoma, which can’t be cured and causes permanent blindness.

Macular degeneration, one of the common problems, arises due to sun exposure. The macula in the retina is damaged, causing impaired vision and eventual blindness. Pterygium is a condition where growth is found on the eyeball. It is also known as a surfer’s eye. It is treatable and is usually not serious. Eye drops and surgery are the most popular treatments.

All of the above problems can be prevented by wearing sunglasses; therefore, you must not take them lightly.

Protection from sand, wind, and dust

Spending time outdoors puts you at an additional risk of damage from sand, dust, wind, and even snow.

Snow reflects 80% of the UV rays from the sun and causes snow blindness, a condition where the cornea is damaged. If you like skiing and climbing mountains, wear sunglasses that protect the bottom of your eyes.

Always wear sunglasses if you spend most of your day in a windy place. The tiny dust and sand particles cause a lot of irritation and pain and can scratch your eye, causing permanent damage.

Promote healing and recovery.

You must wear sunglasses if you’ve recently undergone a Lasik or PRK surgery to correct your vision. Doctors suggest wearing sunglasses post-surgery, but it is always better if you continue wearing them for a while until the eye heals and recovers. Improper care could lead to many complications.

You’ll see more.

While wearing sunglasses protects your health, on the other, it enables you to enjoy the outdoors better. Sunglasses provide sharper, better contrast, rich colors, and glare-free view. If you like fishing, with the right pair of glasses, you’ll be able to see through the glare of the water and appreciate it even more.

You’ll be more comfortable.

Too much sunlight can trigger headaches and even migraines in some individuals. Wearing sunglasses can reduce its intensity and frequency and make you more comfortable outdoors.

For safer driving and recovery

Different types of sunglasses are available, especially for clear vision in various weather conditions. Picking the right sunglasses would enable you to drive safely in rain and extreme sunlight.

In addition to the above points, sunglasses give a strong style statement. The right sunglasses can make a massive difference in your life.