IOS Application Development – A Complete Guide


The Application (or Apps) market has taken Page Design Hub the world by storm ever since the emergence of the smartphone. Apps have become an essential component of modern-day phones and are developed by many creators, from companies to people in their bedrooms. As a result, mobile application development companies have become a burgeoning industry, particularly Apple’s popular iOS smartphone operating system. As a result, many companies and websites are looking to enter this market and, as such, look for the right expertise and resources – but as with any rapidly expanding market, there is always the debate between using in-house application development and outsourcing it to other development companies.

IOS Application Development - A Complete Guide 1

iOS – A popular platform

Apple’s smartphone and tablet success amongst consumers is down to a combination of the simple iOS format and a powerful brand and reputation. This makes it an obvious choice of platform for mobile application development companies to develop. But the reason for iOs’s success amongst app developers is also partly because of Apple’s easy-to-use programming language. The iOS is based on Apple’s objective-C programming language, which is highly familiar to those used to C++. Because of this, iOS is an incredibly reliable platform for iOS mobile app developers, as there is relative freedom within the parameters of the operating system.

In-house or Outsourcing?

In an in-house company, the company’s management team has a much greater degree of supervision over the development process and is far more able to oversee all stages of development. It also allows a greater degree of control regarding a project’s schedule and reduces risk in the long term. Furthermore, there is much more freedom in who can be chosen to work on the product. Due to the iOS’s popularity, there are many skilled developers for companies to choose from Page Design Web.

iOS lends itself very well to in-house development, and there are many benefits for a mobile application development company to create apps in-house. However,, hiring skilled developers and obtaining the necessary licenses and the technology required to develop apps can be costly. That is where outsourcing becomes a useful alternative for development companies. Outsourcing is a far more cost-effective option – rather than spending time hiring expensive and experienced developers, companies can outsource to companies with the appropriate technology and experience. It also guarantees a high-quality end product.

iOS or Android?

Of course, iOS is not the only smartphone operating system on the market, with its major competitor being Google’s Android OS. So why is iOS mobile application development so much more popular than Android? Apple’s iOS is uniform across all mobile devices, allowing easy application creation for skilled developers. But Android is built on Java programming language, is open source, and is more beginner-friendly for developers who are less experienced or lack the resources necessary to fully use Apple’s iOS. Even with Android’s burgeoning popularity, many apps are still exclusive to iOS, indicating a developer and consumer preference.

In short, several considerations exist when exploring iOS mobile application development. The platform affords a company several other options, such as development in-house or outsourcing it to developers, and due to the popularity of the Apple smartphones, it gives a finished app product to a large audience.