How to Write Attractive and Interesting Articles for SEO


Article submission has always been a significant source of natural backlinks. But most writers and SEO firms think filling a page with keywords and covering it up with simple rewritten text will do the job. However, Google has made its stand quite clear, rewritten, or in other words, weak content will get no value or, even worse, get a negative value for both the website where it’s posted and the target of its backlink. As a result,, writing attractive and exciting articles and SEO copies has become ever so important.

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If you are not good with the most basic requirements, there is little chance to become a successful writer. Writing requires mastery of language (in this case, English), as articles or website contents with grammatical and spelling errors will get the worst possible kick from Search Engines such as Google. Since the arrival of Google Panda, Google has become quite strict with the quality of SEO writing. Writing without errors will not make you a great writer but will ensure you are not among the worst writers. On the other hand, mastering English perfectly and using well-timed and apt words will enhance your appeal to readers and other writers. The “Good and natural flow of words” is vital to attracting a large pool of readers, which is essential for marketing-related writing.

If you are writing for marketing or SEO article submissions, you must ensure your content is error-free and, most importantly, written in good words. Articles with errors will be considered dumb and not accepted on top article directories such as EzineArticles. This is the most critical factor, yet many writers ignore it; most writers worry little about the readers and their interests. One must understand that the Articles or Content they write are not meant for the client or your boss but for readers or visitors of the article. Yet most writers give more importance to Search Engines, backlink, client, or their bosses and forget the real target. Impressing the above is good, but if you don’t provide the correct information that the ultimate visitors want, your writing will lose its primary objective of increasing potential leads through the backlink.

“The first impression is the best impression.” Your article may contain exciting and rare information, but readers mostly decide whether to read it by looking at it just once because there are many sources for them on the web. As a result, the way you present an article is significant. Some writers say what you write is a second part, but how you write and present is most important. Make your writing easy to read and understand so your readers will stay long enough to read your thoughts. Using subtitles and bulletins is an excellent idea to increase the overall attractiveness of your article and make it look much more professional. Decide what you will write and create some subtopics to make it easy for readers to follow. Use bulletins to enhance your article’s appeal; for instance, use magazines to explain essential facts so that they are easy to read and appeal better to visitors. Besides improving the overall look, bulletins and subtitles can be the perfect place to use keywords as they also increase the value of keywords. Never present an article like a story; make it lively and pleasant to read.