Real Estate Investment Strategies – Financing the Deal


What do you mean by financing the deal – is not this approximately obtaining property without using your cash? Of course it is – we will get into a few techniques you could use without taking your wallet from your pocket next. However, I could find this dialogue relatively incomplete if I didn’t touch on economic techniques, which can require some pores, skin (yours), and a pretty good credit rating.

Real Estate Investment Strategies - Financing the Deal 1

Conventional: When I was given commenced, I didn’t have a couple hundred G’s sitting in my bank account equipped to plop down on my first rehab possibility – perhaps you are within the identical boat. But I did have clear credit. If this is the case for you, consider doing what I did and touring with your favorite loan broker (who should also be on your professional crew, correct?). Get yourself a standing pre-approval – this can want to be updated sometimes; however, this is an excellent tool for your arsenal.

Why? Because it’s far necessary while you move MLS purchasing – you recognize, scouring for the first-rate offers on you’re nearby more than one list provider along with your agent – the identical agent you chose to end up a part of your expert group. Let’s not get stressed right here: consider that MLS purchasing is the best one of the ways you’re employing to find sellers; honestly, now, it’s not your most straightforward manner. Don’t forget to retain your centered mailing, signs, symptoms, flyers, door knocking/depart behinds, classified ads, internet method…

Are there offers at the MLS? Yes and no, I clearly couldn’t speak for wherein you live; however, I do go shopping in my vicinity for REOs, short sales, and fixer-uppers on the MLS, and I do indeed put give on them. Not all of them are to be had for the charge you need; however, on the other hand, a few are. You will find out who is prepared to play ball (the prompted vendor) and who prefers to stay listed (the unmotivated vendor) immediately, primarily based on the seller’s counter provide. Here’s why you want to have that pre-approval we discussed above – it needs to be submitted now together with your provider; without that pre-approval, you are just wasting absolutely everyone’s time. If you have that $200k in your bank account, pass the pre-approval and whip out your proof of funds.