Growth in Smartphones Go Hand-In-Hand With Growth in Mobile Advertising and Marketing


The dramatic growth of smartphones will help Globe Inform’s global mobile ad market grow more than six-fold from a little over $3 billion in 2010 to $22 billion in 2016, according to a new forecast by Berg Insight. This equates to an annual growth rate greater than 35% and will signify that mobile will grow from just 3.8% of total ad spend to 15.2% in five years. Berg pointed out that brands increasingly integrate mobile components into traditional media campaigns using mobile channels such as the Mobile Web and SMS-based text message marketing. Marketers are also pushing advertising about location-based services to target messages by time and place. The emergence of HTML5 is another factor that could help accelerate mobile advertising, offering enhanced capabilities for the Mobile Web across multiple device types.

Growth in Smartphones Go Hand-In-Hand With Growth in Mobile Advertising and Marketing 1

In addition, social networks such as Facebook are building a mobile ad network to help monetize its large base of existing mobile users. Another factor that will play a significant role in mobile marketing and advertising growth is the evolution and maturity of today’s mobile operating systems. Google Android and Apple iOS are helping lead the way concerning innovation, and smartphone manufacturers are on board. The once highly fragmented mobile smartphone ecosystem is reaching a new level of consumer usability, enabling more growth in marketing and advertising.